15 June 2010


Tanzania uses the metric system, which is amazing.  Though in the beginning it took a while to know what 15km or 25°C really means, I have adapted to this system.  I have always been fond of the metric system and I am not looking forward to dealing in inches and miles again.  Honestly, why should there ever be 5280 feet in a mile? And why should anything smaller than an inch be measured in absurd fractions like ¾ or ⅞ of an inch? And someone please explain to me why the freezing point of water should be 32°F.  Who comes up with this stuff?  People intent on baffling young schoolchildren, I suppose.  Units in base-10 and no fractions are much more logical and easier to deal with.  So if you ever ask me how far it is to Timbuktu or the temperature in Dallas, Texas don’t be surprised if I give you a metric answer. 

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